

Brain in Hand is a UK-based digital healthcare company focused on supporting self-management. They have recently won an award for Diversity in Tech (Disability) at Burberry Diversity Awards.

The company takes a transformational approach to creating equal access to support with its digital self-management system, which helps autistic people or people facing mental health challenges to live independently, reduce anxiety, and manage their wellbeing. Through harnessing the power of technology, Brain in Hand offers a unique combination of practical solution-focused coaching, simple digital tools, and 24/7 on-demand human support.



The Objective


Collaborate with BIH to gain insights into their existing infrastructure and SAAS utilization. Conduct a comprehensive analysis to support the planning, creation, and execution of their Microsoft Entra solution. Additionally, offer expert insights concerning the Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution for both mobile devices and MACs.


The Solution & Approach


SAAS Security: A delegated admin was provided so that we could look through the dedicated office365 tenant. We facilitated a thorough examination aimed at identifying potential security vulnerabilities within the system.

Relicensing: An essential component of this project involved recognizing BIH’s utilization of contractors as needed. Consequently, we meticulously evaluated appropriate licensing options tailored for both permanent staff and contractors.

MDM backbone: Offered guidance on Microsoft’s MDM known as “Intune”. This system would allow for easier management over both Android and Apple devices throughout the business.




Cost savings: Eliminating both the expenses and intricacies associated with a 3rd party app responsible for overseeing their existing MDM certificate. This enhancement has already been covered under the Software as a Service (SAAS) licensing for a significant user base.

System unity: Utilizing the mentioned licenses fostered seamless business unity by integrating advanced authentication and identity management for the entire business. Centralized control simplified management, facilitating a cohesive environment for streamlined operations and communication.

Scalability: Through comprehensive licensing analysis, we successfully achieved substantial cost savings while upholding the existing business functionality at its current level. Our proposal also outlines a seamless transition to Business Premium licenses, enabling the incorporation of supplementary business features like automated deployment and centralized management.